New User

Setting Up Your Merrimack Account for the first time

Note: Please follow these instructions on a device other than your mobile phone.  You will need your mobile phone to set up your authentication method.  

2. A Merrimack College branded login page will appear. You should enter the initial password that was provided to you and then click the "Sign in" button.  

3. After you click the "Sign in" button you will see a pop up that reads "More information required".  Click the "Next" button.

4. You will now set up your autentication method.  We strongly recommend using an authenticator app on your mobile device however you may choose to set up a different method using your mobile number.

5. You now need to change your password.  Click "Change password" in the Password tile to create a new password. If you need guidance on creating a complex password please check out our: Best Practices for Passwords page.

You are all done! You will not have to do this registration process again. Please contact IT with questions or concerns at 978-837-3500 or